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Play Restart Game Online – Free and Unblocked Puzzle Revival!

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Welcome to “Restart,” the unique and thrilling platformer game that transforms failure into a strategic advantage! Plan your own demise to overcome obstacles, use beacons to guide you through levels, and navigate stone spikes with precision. Experience a platformer like no other, where death becomes a key element of success. Play now at Neal Games and enjoy the strategic fun!


  • Strategic Death: Turn failure into an advantage by strategically planning your own death to navigate challenging obstacles.
  • Beacon Guidance: Use beacons to guide your character up or down through stone spikes, enhancing your control and precision.
  • Innovative Gameplay: “Restart” redefines the platformer genre with a unique concept that adds a strategic layer to the gaming experience.
  • Level Challenges: Encounter various obstacles and challenges in each level, requiring careful planning and execution to succeed.
  • Visual Appeal: Enjoy vibrant and engaging visuals that complement the innovative gameplay, making every level visually exciting.

How to Play

  1. Plan Your Death: Strategically plan where and when your character will face demise to use death as a tool for progression.
  2. Utilize Beacons: Take advantage of beacons to guide your character through stone spikes. Always face towards the beacon for optimal navigation.
  3. Navigate Challenges: Encounter obstacles and stone spikes in each level. Use your strategic planning skills to overcome them and reach the goal.
  4. Precision is Key: Master precision in movement and timing to navigate the levels successfully, turning failure into a pathway to victory.
  5. Play at Neal Games: Immerse yourself in the innovative world of “Restart” by playing now at Neal Games. Embrace the challenge and have a blast!

Embark on a strategic platforming adventure in “Restart” and redefine the way you approach obstacles and failure!

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