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Play Escape Zombie City Game Online Free

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In this gripping and intense shooting game, you find yourself in a city under siege by hordes of zombies. It’s the last chance to save the city and restore human life. Waves of furious zombies will relentlessly attack you, and your mission is to prevent them from getting too close and inflicting harm. As you fight to survive, be sure to collect ammo and health boxes to prolong your life. Can you stand your ground and become the city’s savior in the face of this zombie apocalypse?


1. Zombie Survival

Prepare for a relentless and action-packed survival experience as you confront waves of zombies hungry for your destruction.

2. Ammo and Health Management

Collect valuable ammo and health boxes to ensure you can keep fighting and stay alive longer in the chaotic battles.

3. Intense Shooting Action

Engage in heart-pounding shooting action as you fend off the zombie hordes and protect the city from annihilation.

4. Last Stand Challenge

Every wave presents a new challenge, testing your shooting skills, resource management, and ability to stay alive in the face of the undead.

How to Play

Playing this game is a test of your survival and shooting skills. Here’s a simple guide on how to play:

  1. City Under Siege: You’ll find yourself in a city overwhelmed by zombies. Your objective is to survive and protect the city from complete destruction.
  2. Zombie Waves: Waves of zombies will approach you, and your task is to stop them from getting too close. Use your shooting skills to eliminate them.
  3. Ammo Collection: Keep an eye out for ammo boxes scattered throughout the city. Collect them to replenish your ammunition.
  4. Health Box: Similarly, look for health boxes to restore your health and prolong your survival.
  5. Survival Strategy: Plan your moves carefully. Prioritize the most immediate threats and avoid getting overwhelmed by the zombie waves.
  6. Progression: As you successfully fend off waves of zombies, you’ll face increasingly challenging scenarios. Stay vigilant and adapt your strategy.
  7. City Savior: Your ultimate goal is to survive and save the besieged city from the zombie apocalypse. Prove your mettle in this intense shooting game.

This game offers a thrilling and adrenaline-fueled shooting experience as you fight to save a city from a zombie onslaught. Your survival skills, shooting accuracy, and resource management will be put to the test. Can you be the hero who turns the tide and restores human life to this besieged city? Dive into the action, stay alive, and protect the city from the zombie menace!

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