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Play Whack your Boss Unblocked Game Online Free

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Whack Your Boss is a fun online game where players can channel their workplace frustrations into humorous actions. Set in a regular cubicle office, players are presented with a difficult boss and the challenge to find out the seven unique methods to “whack” him. It’s all about letting go of your stress in a lighthearted, comical way.


  1. Office Setting: The game is set within the walls of a typical office cubicle, making it relatable for many.
  2. Dark Humor: This game is not for the faint-hearted. It thrives on its dark comedic undertone, presenting outlandish ways to deal with a challenging boss.
  3. Multiple Discoveries: With 24 imaginative ways to “whack” your boss, players are guaranteed prolonged entertainment.
  4. Safe Outlet for Frustration: Feeling stressed out from work? Dive into the game for a harmless way to vent.
  5. Engaging Gameplay: The game is designed to be simple yet intriguing, keeping players engaged as they search for all the hidden methods.

How to Play

  1. Start the Game: Launch Whack Your Boss online.
  2. Observe Your Surroundings: In the game, you’ll be in a cubicle with your boss. Look around the office space for items or cues that might be of use.
  3. Interact: Click on different objects or parts of the office to discover the various ways to “whack” your boss. Some methods might be straightforward, while others might require a bit of thinking or combining multiple items.
  4. Discover All Methods: The goal is to find all seven unique ways to “whack” your boss. Each time you discover a new method, the game will acknowledge it.
  5. Enjoy & Replay: Once you’ve found all seven methods, you can replay the game to challenge yourself to find them faster or just for a good laugh!

Remember, Whack Your Boss is a game meant for fun and is not a reflection of real-life actions or behaviors. Always play responsibly.

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