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Play Granny Game Unblocked Game Online Free

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Granny Game Unblocked is a horror game where you’re trapped in a spooky house by Granny. Your main goal? Get out without her catching you. But it’s not as simple as it sounds. Granny can hear you. So, you have to be very quiet and sneaky if you want to escape.


  1. Chilling Environment: The game is set in an eerie house filled with suspense. Every room has its own mysteries to uncover.
  2. Stealth Gameplay: You need to move silently. Making noise can attract Granny, and that’s something you don’t want.
  3. Puzzles and Clues: Throughout the house, you’ll find puzzles that need solving and items to help you escape. But be quick and smart about it.
  4. Adaptive Enemy: Granny is not just any opponent. She listens and reacts to the sounds you make. So always be on your toes.
  5. Survival Mode: It’s not just about escaping. You have to stay alive. Granny is out to get you.

How to Play

  1. Move Quietly: Use your mouse or keyboard to navigate through the house. Walk softly to avoid making noise.
  2. Search for Items: Look everywhere – under tables, inside drawers, and behind doors. Collect items that can help you escape.
  3. Solve Puzzles: Some doors or paths may be locked or blocked. Use the items you find to solve puzzles and unlock your way.
  4. Stay Hidden: If you think Granny is near, find a hiding spot quickly. Like under a bed or inside a closet. Stay there until you think it’s safe.
  5. Plan Your Moves: Remember, the goal is to escape the house. Think of the best route to avoid Granny and reach the exit.
  6. Stay Alert: Granny can appear when you least expect it. Always be ready to run or hide.

Remember, silence is your best friend in this game. Make as little noise as possible, solve the house’s mysteries, and try to get out alive. Good luck!

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