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Play Flip A Coin 3, 100, 1000 Times Game Online Free

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The ‘Flip A Coin’ simulator is a digital tool that mimics the act of tossing a coin. It lets you understand the world of probability by showing you the results of flipping a coin multiple times. Instead of doing physical coin tosses, you can see the outcomes quickly and easily online!


  1. Multiple Toss Options: Choose how many times you want to flip the coin – from as little as 3 tosses to as many as 1000!
  2. Instant Results: No need to wait! See the outcomes immediately after making your choice.
  3. Educational Insights: Learn about the chances of getting heads, tails, or a mix of both. Great for those studying probability or just curious folks.
  4. Simple Interface: Easy for anyone to use, regardless of age or tech-savviness.
  5. Visual Data: Get a visual representation of the results, helping you see patterns or randomness over multiple tosses.

How to Play

  1. Select Number of Flips: Start by deciding how many times you want to flip the coin. You can choose 3, 100, or even 1000 flips!
  2. Click to Start: Once you’ve chosen, simply click to start the simulation.
  3. View Results: After the simulation runs, you’ll instantly see the results on your screen. This will show you how many times you got heads, tails, or a mix of the two.
  4. Learn & Experiment: Use the simulator as many times as you like. Each time might give you different results, helping you understand the unpredictable nature of chance!

Have fun, experiment, and learn something new about the world of probability!

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